FFORESCOM offers more sustainable lumber and forestry products from Guatemala to the the world.
The Community Forest Concessions (CFC) model of the Maya Biosphere Reserve in Petén was established with the Peace Agreements of Guatemala in 1991 and with the support of the National Council of Protected Areas (CONAP). This model was a way to guarantee the conservation of forests by promoting the responsible use of wood through sustainable forest management. This way, sustainability plays a fundamental part in who we are and what we do.
To ensure the three pillars of sustainability: social, environmental, and economic, and reduce significant threats such as forest fires, deforestation, illegal logging, and animal trafficking, the community enterprises that manage the CFCs are governed by forest management plans guaranteeing the natural regeneration of the forest by taking advantage of one tree per hectare every 40 years. This way, they can identify and take advantage of timber and non-timber resources more sustainably, generating socio-economic benefits for families dependent on forests.
By complying with these standards, it guarantees:
- Sustainable use of forests
- Development for local forest-dependent communities
- A generation of economic opportunities for all
- The conservation of biological, natural, and cultural diversity
- Poverty reduction
- Illegal logging
- Animal trafficking
- Forest fire reduction
- Access to sustainable markets
- Fair wages